Here is the pattern I used for the boys. It can be enlarged to a full 8 1/2" by 11" page. I used safety eyes that can be purchased on amazon or at Joann's. I had my helpers embroider an upside-down triangle for a nose Then tied a bow on the neck. Depending on the ability of your helpers you can put the face in a small embroidery hoop and give them a threaded and knotted needle and let them stitch the nose. I penciled in the upsidedown triangle nose for them. Children can also stuff the bears pretty well and tie on the bows. Here are the pictures of the ones we did. This batch was donated to the philanthropic group Mothers without Borders for third world orphans. Made for foster kids by foster kids.
I have made21 if these little bears to put in the shoeboxes our church sends all over the world at Christmas time.